Welcome to my practice! Dr. Margarita Borisova, DAOM, Dipl. OM, L.Ac, holds national certification in Oriental Medicine, including acupuncture, traditional Chinese herbal medicine and dietary therapy, working in Oneida County, upstate New York.

I help my patients to take control of their health, stay free from pain, chronic illness, and self-limiting habits, and complete recovery from injuries. I offer a comprehensive program of health services based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which include acupuncture and  herbal therapeutics.

By following my individualized treatment programs, you will enhance your health awareness, develop or maintain a more active lifestyle, stay calm during stressful situations and sleep restfully at night.

I emphasize prevention and maintenance -- and am fully committed to supporting your goal to be vibrant, full of energy, and to lead a fulfilling life, no matter what your age.

Click here to find out more about Traditional Chinese Medicine and Therapeutic Yoga and how they can help you achieve and maintain your optimum health.

Watch my acupuncture demonstration on White Plains Cable Access Television:

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webmaster: irina geller